Timeline Control

Timeline control allows playing datetimes as animation with linear interpolation between two subsequent datetimes


import * as WeatherLayers from 'weatherlayers-gl';

const files = [
  { datetime: '2021-09-01T20:00:00Z',  url: '...' },
  { datetime: '2021-09-01T21:00:00Z',  url: '...' },
  { datetime: '2021-09-01T22:00:00Z',  url: '...' },
const datetimes = files.map(file => file.datetime);
let currentDatetime = datetimes[0];
const timelineControl = new WeatherLayers.TimelineControl({
  datetimes: datetimes,
  datetime: currentDatetime,
  onPreload: datetimes => {
    // preload requested data
    return Promise.all(datetimes.map(datetime => {
      return WeatherLayers.loadTextureData(files.find(file => file.datetime === datetime).url);
  onUpdate: datetime => {
    // update displayed data
    currentDatetime = datetime;

async function update() {
  const startDatetime = WeatherLayers.getClosestStartDatetime(datetimes, currentDatetime);
  const endDatetime = WeatherLayers.getClosestEndDatetime(datetimes, currentDatetime);
  const imageWeight = WeatherLayers.getDatetimeWeight(startDatetime, endDatetime, currentDatetime);
  const image = await WeatherLayers.loadTextureData(files.find(file => file.datetime === startDatetime).url);
  const image2 = await WeatherLayers.loadTextureData(files.find(file => file.datetime === endDatetime).url);
  // update layers
    layers: [
      new WeatherLayers.XxxLayer({
        image: image,
        image2: image2,
        imageWeight: imageWeight,


TimelineControl(config: TimelineConfig = {})

Config Properties


Type: number, optional

Default: 300

Width of the control.


Type: DatetimeISOString[], required

Datetimes to be displayed in the timeline.


Type: boolean, optional

Default: true


Type: DatetimeISOString, required

Current datetime selected in the timeline.


Type: (datetimes: DatetimeISOString[]) => Promise<void>[] | Promise<void>, optional

Preload callback, use for preloading requested data.

If an array of promises is returned, the progress is displayed in the loader text.


Type: (datetime: DatetimeISOString) => void, optional

Update callback, use for updating displayed data.


Type: number, optional

Default: 15

Timeline animation speed, in frames per seconds. Lower number is slower animation, higher number is faster animation.


See Control for common Control methods.

toggle(running?: boolean): Promise<void>

Toggles (starts or pauses) the timeline animation.

Before starting, it calls and awaits onPreload with all datetimes.

start(): Promise<void>

Starts the timeline animation.

Before starting, it calls and awaits onPreload with all datetimes.

pause(): void

Pauses the timeline animation.

stop(): void

Stops (pauses and resets) the timeline animation.

reset(): void

Resets the timeline animation.

stepBackward(): Promise<void>

Steps backward in the timeline animation.

Before stepping, it calls and awaits onPreload with datetimes required to display the requested step.

stepForward(): Promise<void>

Steps forward in the timeline animation.

Before stepping, it calls and awaits onPreload with datetimes required to display the requested step.

Last updated